Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Ticks are here!

The MDC Conservation Nature Calendar said this weekend is when the ticks come out.  Whether the ticks read the calendar to decide on their emergence is questionable, but it certainly was accurate.  I came home with 3 first instar and one second instars digging in to private places.  We now have our tick (scotch) tape out in the bathroom.

We have written before about winter ticks in this blog dating back to a 2011 blog so it was no real surprise.

I am posting this so you can hear one of our favorite Ozark musicians, Annie Shelton sing her song Tick Pickin Time in the Ozarks.  It was written by her grandmother and was performed this time with her dad Wayne on the porch at Shelton Hollow.

Now back to the tweezers............

More on Bull Creek ticks can be found in these past blogs.