Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Water- Our Thirsty World

Mike Kromrey of the Watershed Committee of the Ozarks sent me this reminder to crack open the latest National Geographic- April 2010 on Water- Our Thirsty World.  In his words:
I was excited to see that National Geographic devoted a whole issue to water, but absolutely blown away by the depth, insight, and dedication to future coverage of water.  Here are links to some of the articles (dial in to “Water is Life” Barbara Kingsolver fans)…you might just want get a copy this landmark (or maybe watershed) edition.
For those of you who don't get National Geographic,  the full text of three important articles, minus the photographs, can be read by clicking on the titles below.

Water is Life by Barbara Kingsolver
The amount of moisture on Earth has not changed. The water the dinosaurs drank millions of years ago is the same water that falls as rain today. But will there be enough for a more crowded world?
Silent Streams by Doug Chadwick
Freshwater animals are vanishing faster than those on land or at sea. But captive-breeding programs hold out hope.
The Last Drop by Elizabeth Royte 
We may not get all the water we want.  But we can have the water we need.

I would agree with Mike- ignoring the "Watershed" pun- that this is an important issue you may want to keep.  The pictures without the context are at this National Geographic page.