Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WOLF School

Our Master Naturalists have had three opportunities in the last week to make presentations to WOLF school students.
The name WOLF is perfect for the students who have a voracious appetite for wildlife information and already have answers to many of the questions we put before them.  Our group has made presentations on Native Americans and the Bison, Invasive Species, and The History of Southwest  Missouri before 1833, which relates the changes to the land as humans moved in.  Butterfly Life Cycle is scheduled next.
In a nutshell, the Wonders of the Ozarks Learning Facility (WOLF) is an innovative Springfield Public Schools program that accommodates two classes of 5th grade students.  Two WOLF teachers instruct students in the same core curriculum as other Springfield 5th graders. The difference is that all subjects are taught in the context of nature and conservation education.
Students attend WOLF each day school is in session. Their physical classroom is at the Wonders of Wildlife Educational Center, 720 W. Sunshine. However, they spend a substantial amount of time engaged in hands-on inquiry “in the field,” including the Wonders of Wildlife museum and field trips into the outdoors.  You can find a lot more information and pictures at the WOLF School web site.