Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Monday, May 3, 2010

Buck Did It Again!

Our own Master Naturalist, Buck Keagy, is a man of wide and varied talents.  After watching him demonstrate his taxidermy skills by completing an owl mount in 45 minutes in front of a crowd while providing constant banter, you would think that we couldn't be surprised with any thing he did.
Wrong!  Last month he made a very forceful presentation (does he do another kind?) to the Friends of the Garden Board about a design in flowers that he proposed (insisted) on making in front of the Butterfly House at close Memorial Park.  Fortunately the Board approved idea with enthusiasm, as I don't know any way of stopping Buck.
Now several weeks later he has laid out the design in rock, ordered and planted the flowers and completed the project.  You can see it all the way across the park from the parking lot.  Built on an angle, he designed it to maintain the proportions when viewed from a distance.
Knowing Buck, it will probably fly off in a few days to lay eggs.  If it doesn't, look for it at the opening of the Butterfly House on May 15th.  It isn't too late to volunteer for the docent group.  Training is on May 12th.