Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Monday, February 14, 2022

Sweetheart of an Owl

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On Valentines Day 2011 we posted a blog on a short-eared owl with an eye for a heart.  With the great shot above by Becky Swearingen of another one in flight, and Ben Caruthers sending a new picture on the right of another short-eared owl looking very startled, it is time for a romantic anniversary return to them.  Ironically, Ben got the tip on where to find them from Greg Swick again!

 Valentine Owl 2011 

Greg Swick of Greater Ozarks Audubon Society (GOAS) sent out this picture and shared the story with me.

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"Attached is a picture of a new species of owl, Asio valentinus?  We found it near Lockwood today.  Of course, it face is heart-shaped, like many owls, but the damaged pupil of his right eye is also heart-shaped.  Happy Valentine's Day, all."   

This sweetheart is actually a short-eared owl (Asio flammeus), one of the many which migrate to Missouri in the winter to take advantage of the weather and hunting on the open grasslands.  I suspect they were disappointed with the recent accommodations which are more ski vacation than snow-bird stop.

Short-eared owls have one of the largest geographic ranges of any bird, inhabiting all continents except Antarctica and Australia.  They even breed in Hawaii, the Caribbean and the Galapagos.  Their southward migration is driven as much by the search for voles and other rodents as by weather.  In some states they are listed as threatened as suitable habitat disappears.

Their numbers in our state are highest between October and April.  According to this MDC article, they favor open grasslands, and especially native prairie.  Since they roost on the ground or in low bushes, their nest sites are easily disturbed by haying or grazing.  This may be why they no longer nest in Missouri.

The Asio genus of owls have "ears" sticking up which are actually tufts of feathers.  Short-eared owl's tufts only show when they are being defensive.  Greg's owl may be showing that he is ready to defend his Valentine.

You can hear its raspy "bark" at Cornell Lab.
Learn more about our birds with GOAS.