Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tooting our MN Horn

The 2010 Annual Report of the Missouri Master Naturalists is out * and the results are impressive.
  • During 2010, 180 new volunteers participated in training that was conducted by 8 Chapters
  • Through December 2010, with combined efforts of 11 recognized Chapters, 981 volunteers have been trained as Missouri Master Naturalists;
  • Approximately 8,400 hours of advanced training and continuing education were obtained by Master Naturalist volunteers;
  • A total of 524 volunteers have become Certified Missouri Master Naturalists;
  • During 2010, volunteers provided 36,410 hours of community volunteer service
  • Over 110, 000 hours of volunteer service have been provided to local communities since 2004;
  • Approximately 150 organizations have partnered with Master Naturalist chapters at the local level to accomplish natural resource education efforts and service projects within the community
  • The economic impact of Missouri Master Naturalist volunteer service during 2010 is valued at $850,247.001
  • The cumulative economic impact resulting from volunteer service provided by the Missouri Master Naturalist Program is valued at $2,531,129 **
Give yourselves a big round of applause with your hands, your paws,  your fins or "anything you got."

*  For the full 25 page report, email me with"Report" in the title.

** The value of volunteer service calculated using Independent Sector’s $20.85 per hour for 2010.  The hourly value is based on the average hourly earnings for private nonagricultural workers as determined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  This figure is then increased by 12 percent to estimate fringe benefits.  http://www.independentsector.org. The cumulative economic impact results from the value of volunteer service during the years of  2004-2010.