This katydid, or bush-cricket, is also called the Oblong-Winged katydid (Amblycorypha oblongifolia). The pink form of this typically lime green katydid was first described in 1887, and is said to occur in one out of every 500 individuals. Even more rarely they may be tan or brown. It is apparently a genetic variant as the New Orleans Audubon Insectarium bred a pink male and pink female, producing pink babies. Because of their rarity, this isn't as likely to occur in the wild.
There are no other known abnormalities in pink katydids. This condition, called erythrism, is similar to the recessive gene present in albino animals. They are probably less likely to survive to adulthood, given their loss of camouflage.
Other Pink Insects
- The Rosy Maple Moth can be found at times in the Bill Roston Butterfly House.
- Pink mantids, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, and dragonflies can be seen at
- Pink Dragon Millipede is at bestiarumvocabulum.
*We were at the Missouri Prairie Foundation's Bioblitz, a two day biological extravaganza with expert guides and teachers for each category. Six chapters of Missouri Master Naturalists were represented. Don't miss next year's event.