Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Newborn Fawn

I was waiting for a Dan Lyons at our gate when I saw a doe with two tiny fawns way up our gravel road.  I watched it for 3 minutes and took these pictures at 42x zoom.  The fawns were awkward, looking like a couple of drunks.

I waited a while and watched one fawn go across the road to the right and disappear from sight.  The doe made several bleat calls and looked across the road but finally disappeared into the woods on the left, followed by the second fawn.  I finally had to drive up the road.  I stopped at the neighbor's gate and walked along the fence line looking for the fawn without any luck.  When I walked back to the truck I nearly stepped on it.

Can you spot the fawn?
Click to enlarge
"Spotted" is the word.  The camouflage is surprisingly good and the fawn didn't move or even blink as I took several photographs.  It was still there 30 minutes later when we drove back home.  I have no doubt mama will be back for her baby and I bet it gets a good licking for not following orders.