Missouri Master Naturalists- Springfield Plateau Chapter

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Spragueia Moth


Ben Caruthers sent me this picture which he identified as a Common Spragueia Moth (Spragueia leo).  This is a friend of a farmer or gardener as its favorite food is invasive bindweed that tends to spread where we don't want it.  

Field Bindweed- Wikipedia

Field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, a native of Eurasia, was first documented in California in 1884 and rapidly became the "worst invader in California."  The roots can extend down 14 feet into the soil, making it drought tolerant.  Meanwhile, its roots can spread laterally for 10 feet in a growing season.  Its "bindweed" name comes from its twining growth clinging to other plants.  It thrives in disturbed soil such as agricultural fields and gardens.

S. leo caterpillar - Moth Photographers

Meanwhile back at the moth, there isn't a lot written about this beauty other than it's description.  It measures up to 1/4".  The map on Moth Photographers Group shows it's quite common but only in the southeast US.  It would be tempting to ship it to California where bindweed is a problem but it might then develop a taste for other desirable plants.  It doesn't pay to try outwitting Mother Nature.


There are a few pictures of the caterpillar which strike me as something out of a science fiction movie. Above is one of them.