Project WET is a nonprofit organization with a global reach, dedicated to the mission of reaching children, parents, teachers and community members of the world with water education. It gives professional and volunteer educators a wide variety of tools to connect with children K to 12 as well as adults.
We experienced some of the many tools and games. Being adults, of course, we were more reserved and lacked the element of competition which kids typically exhibit. (Betting was limited to chocolate bars.)
Another exercise starts with a brim full glass of water. We then guessed the number of pennies we could add before it overflowed. Because of the cohesion of water, a high dome of water (called a meniscus- see the penny above) formed long before the first drop ran down the side. (Notice also in the photo lower right, the cohesive dent in the surface as the penny is held on the surface.)
We ended by creating teaching projects which we used on each other. This gives a real life feel to how these educators can use the many tools we covered in Project WET.
By the way, did you know that you can power a small model boat in races across the water with small slivers of soap? You can, but I'm not allowed to tell you how. You would have to train in Project WET to learn this as well as our secret handshake. Sorry Barb, I've been sworn to secrecy with a WET oath.