Our MN Richard Herman has been participating in the Missouri Bumblebee Watch, a citizen science project sponsored by the Xerces society for Invertebrate Conservation for the last two years. The purpose of this project is to gather and record information about native bumblebees across the country to develop a database for further research into the species. The Bumblebee Watch is currently in operation in 20 states and part of Canada. Participants are trained in identifying local bumble bees and recording information about species and other pertinent information.
American bumble bee female
This year 6 species of bumble bees were recorded in Missouri during the season that starts the beginning of June and runs until the end of September. Bumblebees are active before and after these dates but are not formally included in the study. Two of the more common species included in his pictures are the American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) with 263 sightings and the common eastern bumblebee, (Bombus impatiens) with 704 sightings.
Common eastern female
Editors note:Richard's photos were made holding the bumblebee by the wing. I don't know if his bees were unconscious, dead or just very cooperative. Either way he should get extra credit as hazardous duty pay for his efforts.
This MDC Field guide link has much more information on bumblebees in Missouri.