The mouse in this house was not a house mouse! Our so called house mouse, Mus musculus, aka "fancy mouse" came across the big pond from Europe with early explorers, probably originating in India, before having reached Europe around 100 B.C and North America with the British in the later 1600s. They are more adapted to living with humans than almost any animal with the exception of college graduates moving back in with their parents. Their greatest importance is in our research laboratories and to the exterminator industry.
The tremendous jumps of my new friend led me into a rabbit hole of researching like Alice in Wonderland (actually more of a mouse hole). There are 12 species of mice in Missouri in addition to the common house mouse. The dramatic leaps of my mouse immediately brought to mind the jumping meadow mouse (JMM), Zapus hudsonius pallidus, which has been reported scattered throughout Missouri although Christian County has never had a confirmed sighting. They are noted for their extremely long tail, 150% of their body length, and their long hind feet measuring 28 to 35 mm long.
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A whale of a tail |
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Click to enlarge - Photo Debbie Fantz MDC |

"Perhaps the most fascinating habit of the fulvous harvest mouse is its ability to build large, above-ground "penthouses" in grasses, low shrubs, or small trees (Davis and Schmidly 1994). These may be constructed of the materials in the animal's habitat or may be converted bird's nests. The solid, globe-shaped nest has one or two exits near the bottom end which can be clogged up." AnimalDiversity.org
The hair on the
upper body is a mixture of reddish brown and black, creating a salt and
pepper effect (Hall and Kelson 1959). R. fulvescens
has a tail that is much longer than its body and its under parts are
white to buff. The adult plumage is brighter than that of the juvenile
and adults molt once a year.The hair on the upper body is a mixture of reddish brown and black, creating a salt and pepper effect (Hall and Kelson 1959). R. fulvescens has a tail that is much longer than its body and its under parts are white to buff. The adult plumage is brighter than that of the juvenile and adults molt once a year.
The hair on the
upper body is a mixture of reddish brown and black, creating a salt and
pepper effect (Hall and Kelson 1959). R. fulvescens
has a tail that is much longer than its body and its under parts are
white to buff. The adult plumage is brighter than that of the juvenile
and adults molt once a year.
The hair on the
upper body is a mixture of reddish brown and black, creating a salt and
pepper effect (Hall and Kelson 1959). R. fulvescens
has a tail that is much longer than its body and its under parts are
white to buff. The adult plumage is brighter than that of the juvenile
and adults molt once a year."
Reithrodontomys fulvescens
Reithrodontomys fulvescens
The lengths that plants and animals go to for survival, however humble they be, are incredible. As Bill Bryson says in A Short History of Nearly Everything, “Life just wants to be; but it doesn't want to be much.” ========
Thanks to Debbie Fantz and Ashley Schnake of MDC
Wild Mammals of Missouri lists 13 mouse species.