Monday, March 24, 2025

Garage Floor Life

 Life under a country floor.

An opening under the wooden floor of our garage at Bull Creek has proven to be attractive to wildlife.  After seeing a squirrel crawl under it, I set up a game camera and over several weeks collected a cross-section of wildlife which you can see at this link.  Over several weeks it caught squirrels, a wood rat, box turtle, rabbit, armadillo, and a timber rattlesnake! 

First, can you spot the red-shouldered hawk in this picture?  Hint, click to enlarge.

 Now focusing down on the floor, try to find the timber rattlesnake.  You can see the rattles at its tail.

Again, you can see all of them  at this Flicker link.  

Life just wants to be; but it doesn't want to be much.”

Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything